Our Work

The Child Welfare Trust (CWT) owes its origins to a dedicated group of professionals from various disciplines specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and training of children with special needs.

A significant portion of the students at the Child Welfare School receives sponsorship from various donors, as they come from lower socio-economic backgrounds and cannot afford school fees and medical expenses.
The school provides transportation for 110 out of the total 140 children, with two buses making two rounds each. This transportation is crucial as it is the only means of commuting between home and school for these students.

Since the children have special needs and require supervision during travel, public transportation is not a practical option. Additionally, many parents cannot afford to transport their children daily due to their economic circumstances. The presence of teachers on the school bus ensures the safety and well-being of the children during their commute.


The program at Child Welfare School addresses four major areas –

  • Hearing Impairment,
  • Intellectual Disability,
  • Cerebral Palsy and
  • Autism,

:Emphasis on early intervention


At the Child Welfare Trust, we specialize in early intervention and education for children with disabilities.

We focus on assessing the unique needs of each child and providing them with personalized support.

In our approach, involving parents in the intervention process is key, and we create individual education plans to ensure the best outcomes for each child. When needed, we conduct home visits to reach children who may otherwise miss out on our support. Our primary mission is to seamlessly integrate these students into mainstream society through excursions and social activities. We also closely monitor their progress and implement meditation techniques to foster behavioral improvement.

In essence, at Child Welfare Trust, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive assistance and inclusion opportunities for children with disabilities.

Events at Dhanvantri School

In order to foster social integration and adaptability, Dhanvantri School organizes regular events for the children for different occasions.

Our Success Stories

Our students are breaking barriers and succeeding in their pursuits.

Make a Difference

Your Voice Matters

We’re here to assist you in any way we can. Whether you have questions, feedback, or would like to get involved with our mission, please don’t hesitate to reach out.